Sunday, March 01, 2009

New York City Area Braces for Up to 14 Inches of Snow
March 1 (Bloomberg) -- The largest snowstorm of the season is on its way to New York City and the surrounding metropolitan area, with as much as a record-setting 14 inches expected to fall tonight and into tomorrow’s rush hour, meteorologists say.

“It’s a good, old-fashioned snowstorm,” said Gary Conte, a National Weather Service meteorologist in Upton, New York. “The record for March is 10 inches (25 centimeters), set in 1896. Obviously, based on our forecast, that is in jeopardy. March is coming in like a lion.” The 1896 record was for daily snowfall.
Salt Lake Tribune folks--Still guzzling the global warming Kool-Aid like it's 2007
A sobering report that shows Antarctic glaciers are melting faster than anyone previously believed possible is the latest reminder that human-caused global warming is real, that its effects are being felt around the globe, and that action to mitigate its impact cannot be put on hold while the world's governments deal with an economic crisis.

Fortunately, President Barack Obama understands the urgency. After eight years of a Bush presidency that kept its head firmly in the sand while scientific evidence of a global-warming crisis piled up around it, Obama is ready to deal with climate change -- now.

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