Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Heartland Update: Warming and Cooling in the North Pacific » The Foundry
George Taylor’s talk, The Pacific Decadal Oscillation: A Dominant Mode of Climate Variability, stresses that the PDO appears to be a permanent feature of the earth’s climate system, and PDO changes correlate well with the variation in temperature over the last century.
More Notes From Heartland’s Climate Change Conference
# Christopher Booker (whom we’ve interviewed for The Chilling Effect) gave a compelling history of the international alarmist machine. Each time they come up with a new scare, it’s “the same age-old pattern” he said.
# Yaron Brook from the Ayn Rand Institute made the case that “environmentalism preys on our unease” and our moral system (essentially that we are guilted into something that is not rational).
# He noted that if you look at the environmental movement the way an investor considers allocating money, enviros wouldn’t be a good bet because “time and time again told us stuff that turns out to be false”.
More fraud: "Climate change deaths could soar"; did the researchers "forget" to subtract the number of lives saved due to allegedly warmer winters?
The number of people dying from the effects of heat in cities because of climate change by the end of the century could be twice as many as previously estimated, scientists have warned.

Research being presented to a scientific conference on climate change in Copenhagen showed the number of people dying in London could increase from a current average of 120 each summer to nearly 500 people by the 2080s.

The researchers took into account the likely increase in the number of extremely hot days as well as warmer average temperatures expected as a result of climate change.
Global Warming Deniers Meet in NYC - In Other News, The World is Flat | Twilight Earth
I actually applaud those few people that are brave enough to stand in the face of science and common sense and show their ignorance. (Ignorance by the way, is the state of an uneducated mind) I takes a brave should to stand up to popular and accepted opinion.
Climate Progress » Blog Archive » Obama picks Van Jones to be green jobs adviser
Only one thing — Let’s not call this a green jobs czar, as no doubt some will be inclined to do. The president has a great many special assistance and we don’t call them czars. Jones is going to be a special advisor in the White House and that job is hard enough without loading on more expectations.
T. Boone Pickens gets something right
With Pickens, the controversy rests more in the salesman than in the product. Pickens didn't mention global warming in his 45-minute talk at the Mayflower yesterday. In fact, he dismissed the "greenies," as in: "You don't want to turn it over to the greenies, or what'll happen is they'll want to shut down every coal plant . . . for power generation and our utility bills will go through the ceiling."
Priceless: Guy "huddled" in -40 cold tries to convince bureaucrats that the Earth is overheating
Interesting phone call yesterday. On one end of the line me, huddled in the tent, -40 outside, wind howling, shouting into the sat phone which my big, gloved hands always struggle to grip. At the other end, from a comfortable chair in a cosy conference hall, the Secretary of State for International Development, Douglas Alexander MP!

Mr Alexander was asking me questions about the expedition, in front of an audience of 500 delegates, all of whom have a particular interest in how climate change will affect less developed countries.
3/10/09 transcript: The Politics of Global Warming - by John H. Sununu
This is a very significant event because it will give focus to the false underpinnings of the current international “rush to judgment” and the calls for implementation of drastic policies to deal with this rashly proclaimed “crisis.”
From the Scrappleface guy: Embryonic stem cell study promises cure for global warming
Meanwhile House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, said he, too, is hopeful that stem cell research will "halt the plague of global warming."

"If we can replace the defective brain cells that cause people to embrace assumptions first, then race to formulate supporting theories regardless of the evidence," Rep. Boehner said, "perhaps we can bequeath to our grandchildren a world in which no one will ever again stand outside in a blizzard during a decades-long cooling trend, and worry that the melting polar ice caps will flood Manhattan."

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