Monday, March 02, 2009

Surprising BAD NEWS on Wind Turbines « Global Warming: A Worn-Out Hoax
Who would’ve thunk it. Wind turbines are rated to deliver 370% more energy than they actually deliver by the capitalists selling them to government.
Good thing you have plenty of cash handy right now so that government can save you from global warming, which warming has been reported by government.

Enjoy your wind turbines!

It remains a puzzle why humans would dig up coal when wind has been available at no charge and without digging for centuries.
Ann Coulter to Debate Bill Maher in Boston |
...Isn't it interesting that the only figure refusing to share the stage is Al Gore? I guess the Nobel Laureate wants to continue to foster the canard that there's a scientific consensus concerning global warming by continuing to avoid any debate on the subject.
Prometheus » Blog Archive » One Reason Climate Policy is a Mess
Climate policies that are “weak and naive about political and economic realities” will inevitably be doomed to fail, no matter what the skeptics say or how loudly scientists call for action.

1 comment:

Solar D said...

Not sure where you getting the 370% exaggeration data from. But I can tell you from being in the solar and wind power business there is a lot of confusion by customers on what a wind turbines "peak rating" means and how much usable energy they will actually produce. Most wind turbines (for residential use) are still named or referred to by their peak power capacity. So, a small turbine that claims to be a 1000 watt turbine usually will only produce 1000 watts when there is a very stiff wind of 25-30mph - something few people get.

Sooo... the important thing to look in a wind turbines spec sheet is at how much energy it will produce given an average wind speed for your area. These are much more accurate and relevant. You should find that with any detailed technical brochure for a wind turbine.
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