Sunday, April 05, 2009

Circular Reasoning in the Theory of Manmade Global Warming « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.
But I will admit that circular reasoning has one advantage: It always results in a self-consistent explanation.

So, when you hear that climate researchers have determined that the only way they can explain warming in the last 50 years is with human influences, you need to be very wary. The reason they can explain the warming only when they include humanity’s greenhouse gas emissions is because we do not have sufficiently accurate global observations to say otherwise.

So, since they don’t have the data to determine whether there are natural sources of climate change, they simply ASSUME it does not happen. This makes the theory of manmade global warming to large extent a matter of faith. From talking to a few of them, I think that many of these researchers are not even aware they have made this implicit assumption.
Twitter / Liz
wait. CNN sez now i should worry cuz food scraps cause global warming. really? i call shenanigans
Wind Watch: Wind: the new ethanol
...Wind is fast assuming an unmistakable resemblance to ethanol — just another government-backed cash cow masquerading in green.

We are going to have 43 bridges to nowhere standing on end at Hatchet Ridge if this goes ahead. Time to wake up and head this one off at the pass.

Ken Archuleta

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