Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hip Hop Caucus Launches ‘Green The Block’ Campaign
Green the Block is the Hip Hop Caucus campaign to address urban poverty and climate change, at the same time. Through grassroots activities and celebrity involvement we are working to create a strong green economy, locally and globally.

Climate change and poverty in the US and abroad acutely affect our communities and are causing environmental violence that is prematurely ending lives and opportunities for a better tomorrow. More than just planting a tree in the hood, Green the Block is about educating diverse communities on issues surrounding climate change and its relevance to their lives, engaging communities in the climate movement through policy and service, while introducing them to the Green Economy.
Desmond Tutu weighs in: What Burma Needs From the White House
When President Obama was elected, I was filled with hope that America would regain the moral standing to aid those who are impoverished and oppressed around the world. I have since rejoiced to see him reversing the most obnoxious policies of the Bush administration -- by ending torture, announcing the closure of the detention camp at Guantanamo Bay and engaging the world on climate change, to name just a few.
Climate scam threat from Gene Green
If Congress does not act, greenhouse gases could be regulated administratively without input of members that have different constituencies nationwide, said Rep. Gene Green, D-Texas.
Stott: Is the Sun a ‘Global Warming’ Denier?
The Sun isn’t playing ball with the ‘global warmers’. Indeed, I expect one of our more rabid Labour ministers to come out any day now fatuously accusing the fading star of ‘global warming’ denial on a par with denying the effects of smoking or the link between HIV and AIDS.

But one has to laugh. The sun is currently so inactive that even our ‘global warming’-obsessed media has been forced, through heavily rose-tinted sunglasses, to admit the phenomenon, rushing to add, of course, that this doesn’t mean that ‘global warming’ has halted, or that we must stop mending our evil ways.
What it does remind us, however, is that climate remains entirely beyond human control and management, and that there will be no predictable outcomes to managing CO2 emissions at the margins.

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