Wednesday, April 22, 2009

On our minds: Warming hoax, protest | | Great Falls Tribune
Last year may have been the coldest year of the 21st century thus far. Our government registered 63 local snowfall records and 115 lowest-ever temperatures in October alone. The 2007-2008 temperature drop of 0.5 degrees Celsius was not predicted by global climate models. However, it was predictable by the decline in sunspot and solar activity. Also, the Russian Vostok Ice Core findings suggest earth could be entering a cooling phase.

Perhaps Congress should consider issuing long johns rather than worrying about CO2 emissions and carbon footprints!

— Al Smith, Great Falls
EU and Labour alliance puts Britain's lights out, poisons the environment :: Gerald Warner
As for the Government's endless demands for recycling, what kind of lives do politicians think most people lead? Do they imagine hours every week can be devoted to faddish recycling, just to placate their lunatic obsessions with imaginary global warming and carbon emissions?

As the insatiable demands of the insane "Green" lobby proliferate, life for ordinary people will become ever less worth living. A dingy, poisonous environment hardly seems the ideal substitute for our present way of life. Whose fault is all this? Ours, is the undoubted answer. Ours - for tolerating it. Ours - for obeying the lunatic rules instead of committing mass civil disobedience. Ours, for remaining within the EU as serfs of the corrupt dictators who are making themselves multi-millionaires at our expense. CFLs are just one issue among the thousands over which we ought to be as incandescent as our condemned light bulbs. [Via Climate Realists]
The Fix - White House Cheat Sheet: The Gore-acle's Influence: Can he make Obama a one-termer?
Former vice president Al Gore has emerged as a key behind-the-scenes counselor to the White House and Democratic leaders in the House and Senate on a variety of issues including his trademark push to curb global warming.

Gore's influence is felt in large and small ways -- from providing his thoughts and strategic guidance to President Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.) to aiding his friend Al Franken in the ongoing Minnesota Senate race to fundraising for the party campaign committees.
Of the relationship between the two men, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said that "President Obama has a great deal of respect for former vice president Al Gore and his advice and counsel are invaluable to the administration."

Chris Lehane, a former Gore spokesman and now a Democratic consultant, went a bit further -- insisting that the former vice president has "enormous influence with this administration." Added Lehane: "When it comes to the environment ... he owns and controls a Gore Green brand platform, which serves as a great source of power."

Gore's presence is felt in obvious and not so obvious ways at the White House.

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