Thursday, April 09, 2009

Lobotomized Science: Weather Underground
The so called science of Anthropogenic Global Warming is primarily based upon computer modeling or what I affectionately call CYBER WAG. Let me put this as bluntly as I can. A bunch of greenie nerds with computers have found themselves with power beyond their wildest dreams. The power not only to project the future on their computer simulations, but the power to shape public policy based on this semi-fantasy world they have created in order to scare the world into submission to their view of Utopia.
Current Chaos Manor mail
Global Warming, despite Al Gore's popular propaganda, was never more than trivial (~ 0.8 degrees over the past 100 years). The inconvenient truth is that the planet has not warmed for the last ten years and has been cooling since 2001. The Arctic is warmer, the Antarctic is colder, and the planet is cooling, overall. It's getting cooler, not warmer.

What might be worth worrying about is the latest scam to rip off taxpayers, the massive Cap and Trade bills in Congress. It might be worth mentioning that this scheme of exotic derivatives was cooked up by the good folks at Enron, endorsed as a "major opportunity" by AIG in 2007, and then by Goldman Sachs, which was funneled most of the bail-out money doled out to AIG, billions more than the notorious bonuses. Former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson (ex-Goldman) and current Treasury Chief of Staff Mark Patterson (also ex-Goldman) are major cheerleaders for Cap and Trade tax-supported derivatives. (Source: Washington Times, March 25, 2009.)

The sub-prime crisis, organized and famously mismanaged by Washington and Wall Street, has caused far more damage to America and the World than any 0.8 degrees of global warming. The impending Cap and Trade taxpayer-funded derivatives strike much more fear in my heart than previously (over) reported drowning bears and shrinking Arctic ice.


John D. Trudel
Welcoming our new ice overlords | Rain in the Doorway
As near as I can tell, Morano is a political type with no particular scientific credentials, but is well-informed on the issues. Romm, on the other hand, has lots of credentials, worked in the Department of Energy for years, under Clinton, in important positions.

And yet, when they get to talking, Romm is spouting hysterical nonsense, while Morano calmly counters with facts.

So this is the best they can do? This is the "physicist and climate expert?" This person worked in government for years, determining the policies to guide the future of the nation? I so want the government to take over my health care, build my cars, tell me how much I should be allowed to earn, how much I should be allowed to save.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why are we subsidizing AIG when high school dropouts cost the American public more? Education needs subsidizing. Corporations, on the other hand, need a better business plan.