Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Look, global "warming" made this polar bear's legs melt!
Earth Day crisis-talkers oversell the problem | Comment | Toronto Sun
In light of these trends, Earth Day should not be an occasion for hand-wringing and lamentation. It should instead be viewed as an opportunity to celebrate the tremendous progress we have made towards greater environmental sustainability.

There is always room for further improvement, and we should strive toward smart, environmentally-sustainable growth 365 days a year. This week, however, we should also reflect on what has already been achieved.
Climate change could take centre stage in next election - Nova Scotia News - TheChronicleHerald.ca
There are several reasons why climate change could be centre stage.

One is that the evidence of human-induced climate change is becoming more apparent by the day.

We are learning more and more about the enormous risks to human society and much of life on the planet if we fail to act.

Unaddressed, climate change could mean that vast regions of the world would become uninhabitable. It would be a world of conflict, massive migration, starvation and disease.
But the international pressure on Canada to act can only grow.
ScienceDaily article: After reading this, we're still supposed to be alarmed, and we're still supposed to believe that the science is settled?
In addition to the change in solar radiation there can be random changes in the Earth's weather variations, that contribute to triggering the bifurcation or the 'catastrophe'. Such variations are called 'noise', and a theory is, that the atmosphere's CO2 level can be an important noise-factor. This means that there is the possibility that the 'noise' is a decisive factor for very large climate changes, which can therefore be unpredictable.

There is still no explanation for the change in the climate system 1 million years ago, but one theory is that the atmosphere's CO2-level fell to the lowest level ever. If so, the manmade increase in CO2 may result in a return to 40.000 year ice age cycles.

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