Wednesday, April 29, 2009

March '07: Al Gore's Inconvenient Electric Bill - Opinion
A Gore spokesman tried to deflect the charges of “do as I say, not as I do” by stating that the Gores “purchase offsets for their carbon emissions to bring their carbon footprint down to zero.” Gore himself has been very public about this approach to carbon neutrality, but not only is this claim not exactly true, it’s quite meaningless in terms of global warming.

First, Al Gore doesn’t purchase carbon offsets out of his own pocket and the actual economic cost, if any, to him is unknown.

The actual offset purchaser is a London-based investment firm, Generation Investment Management (GIM)
, that Al Gore co-founded with former Goldman Sachs executive David Blood and others in 2004.

GIM supposedly purchases carbon offsets for all 23 of its employees to cover their personal energy use, according to a March 7 report. These offsets, then, would be provided to Gore more as an employee benefit, thus requiring very little sacrifice on his or his family's part.
Where Have All the Greenies Gone? | The Exception Magazine
Congress is currently working on a 647 page bill (whew!) to address climate change, and, apparently bowing to Mr. Gore’s Inconvenient Hypothesis, is determined to brand carbon dioxide as a dangerous pollutant (don’t tell the trees). This would give EPA new authorization to further interfere with ordinary commerce.

As I have written many times before, I don’t doubt that the climate is changing; of course it is; it always has. However, we don’t know why; so for heaven’s sake hold back on all the cockamamie countermeasures. Perhaps most foolish of these has been the rush to biofuels. A recent report by the grandly named International Council for Science concludes that the production of biofuels has so far aggravated rather than ameliorated global warming. This has to do with the generation of nitrogen dioxide that is given off in the growing of biofuels. Nitrogen dioxide is a much more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, Aha! So we’ve driven the price of food through the roof for no reason. Good job, guys. Oh well, this will all get straightened out in December in Copenhagen when 8000 people from 170 countries will gather to solve the climate problem. You betcha.
Biomass trash: It makes no gas, gas, gas? « Green Hell Blog
Rep. Brian Baird (D-WA) says that, “The climate crisis facing the world is no joke, and closing our eyes to the problems created by it doesn’t make them go away.”
Rep. Baird calls the Waman-Markey ban a
“bad, foolish, irresponsible policy” that he will “work to the utmost of my ability to defeat.”
About the greens, Rep. Baird says,
It’d be nice if some of these folks lived in reality for once.
A worthy wish for us all, Rep. Baird.
Mommy, Why Does President Obama Hate Polar Bears? - Greg Pollowitz - Planet Gore on National Review Online
Salazar, however, did not take action to rescind a rule that sharply limits protections for the threatened polar bear despite having authority to rescind this rule as well.
Black(out) Humor - Chris Horner - Planet Gore on National Review Online
That is the phenomenon raised by a questioner on that odious Earth Day panel I mentioned last week, about how a national renewable-energy standard — pushed so hard by (surprise!) windmill and solar-panel companies that would not now exist had there not been government subsidies, mandates, and of course taxes to bring them about — would disadvantage rather windless states like Florida. In response to which the American Wind Energy Association representative casually remarked that it's no problem, Floridians can pay for wind energy from as close as "eight states away."

How easily that tolls off the tongue when it's other peoples' money you're talking about (and trying to get the federal government to turn into your money).
Climate [Scam] Bill: Yeah, But How Much Will It Really Cost? - Environmental Capital - WSJ
The political viability of the cap-and-trade plan in Congress looks like it will boil down to what it will cost regular Americans. The problem is getting even a ballpark idea of what those costs really will be.

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