Thursday, April 16, 2009

Washington state: House OKs Revised Climate Bill
Apr. 16--Lawmakers resurrected at least some of the goals of Gov. Chris Gregoire's climate change bill Wednesday after a heated debate on the House floor that ended with a 59-37 approval in the wee hours.

The amended measure, personally brokered by the governor, imposes no cap on carbon emissions and sets forth no proposal for trading carbon emission credits. But it would keep Washington at the table as a participant in the Western Climate Initiative, a regional plan to reduce greenhouse gases.
Bravo, NBA coach Kevin McHale
Well, the first game we wore these special warm-up tops was against the Utah Jazz in Utah. After we had our 1-2-3- "Win" chant which was an event in itself that night, McHale held everybody up for one more minute and said something along the lines of,

"Hey fellas....I just want you to know about this global warming thing.....25 years ago it was Global Cooling and they were telling us we were going to freeze to when they tell you all about global warming don't worry about it too much......."

Everyone was laughing so hard and it kind of loosened everybody up. We went out that night and took it to the Utah Jazz and won the game with a shorthanded roster.

Then a week later I walked into a breakfast meeting in San Francisco when we were playing the warriors and the first thing I hear is Kevin McHale explaining to a couple of guys on the team, "Yeah...the ice cap off of Greenland is receding but the ice caps off Antarctica are actually expanding...."

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