Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Antarctic Coup de Grace « the Air Vent
If “robust” means the same answer pops out of a fancy computer algorithm regardless of what the input data is, then I guess Antarctic warming is, indeed, “robust”.
House Energy and Commerce Committee Continues Debate on Climate-Change [Swindle] Bill -
The House Energy and Commerce Committee has just reconvened for another long evening, having spent the day debating changes to mammoth climate-change legislation, still without reaching the bill's halfway point.
Utilities, Coal-State Dems are Wrecking Our Last Chance on Climate Change |
Again, the goal is to create the strongest possible carbon cap. To be strong, the cap must be simple and fair. Achieve these two features and voters will support it for the fifty years it takes to squeeze carbon out of our economy. Fail at these two features and the patient will remain tragically sick for many years to come.

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