Wednesday, May 20, 2009

[Because of their alleged belief in the greatest scientific fraud of all time] Democrats Create Best Practices for Your Hot Tub
WASHINGTON – Three amendments offered en bloc by Rep. George Radanovich R-Calif., would prevent the federal government from imposing regulations on portable electric spas, hot food cabinets and water dispensers. Restricting the production of these goods will damage more than just these industries. These regulations will hinder consumer choice, raise prices and expand federal government regulation into more aspects of daily life.
The sounds of silence
U.S. Rep. Lee Terry, R-Neb.: Mr. Weiner, how much of this bill was written by the National Resources Defense Council? And who was in the room?

U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y.:

Rep. Terry: Seeing that you won’t answer, I’ll yield to Mr. Buyer.
New Zealand: Winter arrives early
Rotorua awoke to the rare sight of snow this morning with the eastern suburbs and hills behind the airport coated.

Weather analyst Philip Duncan said the cold snap was set to continue until tomorrow as winter had "well and truly arrived early".

"It's like we haven't had an autumn.

"We are two months away from the coldest part of the year, so to see temperatures this low is certainly eyebrow-raising."

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