Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Climate For Change - Because climate change is seriously uncool.
Climate Change News from Around the Web

Europe expected to outperform Kyoto goals.
About this website - A Climate For Change
A Climate for Change is a community driven site developed by Oxfam Australia.
'We know what to do: why don't we do it?' | Environment | The Guardian
Africans - and especially African women - will suffer most from climate change. Nobel laureate Wangari Maathai intends to help them
Barack Flies Michelle To New York For “Date Night” | Say Anything: North Dakota's Most Popular Political Blog
Yet, Obama can hop on a private jet and take his on a “date night”? I’m told that I have to sacrifice, but it’s all private jets and jets and luxury lifestyles for Obama and the rest of the liberal elite?

Maybe the rest of us should believe that global warming is the crisis Obama and his fellow liberals want us to believe it is when they start living their lives like it’s a crisis.

And yes, I get it. He’s the President. He can’t go anywhere without private transportation and an entourage. But surely a President as concerned about climate change as Obama would sacrifice things like “date night” given what he’s asking Americans in general to sacrifice.

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