Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Paul Driessen | Climate Change "Morality" - Exposed Duplicitous Politics of Money, Power, Control
Some are getting $400-$850 an hour for their skill in promoting mandates, subsidies, legal measures to hobble competitors, and cap-tax-and-trade versions of the mortgage derivatives market. Al Gore alone boasts of having received $300 million (from unnamed sources) to trumpet alarmism and draconian legislation.

Colleges, scientists, activists, unions and companies receive billions in taxpayer money, to hype climate chaos claims, intimidate skeptics and lobby Congress. African bureaucrats get millions from the UN (and thus US taxpayers) to hype climate disaster claims that keep millions of Africans impoverished and deprived of the life-enhancing benefits of reliable, affordable electricity.

President Obama says the Bush Administration "made decisions based upon fear, rather than foresight, and all too often trimmed facts and evidence to fit ideological predispositions." He and his Democrat allies in Congress should take that critique to heart on global warming.

As it stands, this Congress is rapidly shaping up to be the most unethical, immoral and dictatorial in history. When the people finally rebel, it won't be a pretty sight.
Scottish Government Fails To Hit Own Green Targets (from The Herald )
The Scottish Government is failing to hit its own targets for cutting greenhouse gas emissions, figures showed today.

Carbon dioxide emissions from energy use in Scottish Government buildings has gone up, and emissions from business travel have also increased.
Wait a minute: Sea ice with cracks and open water is considered GOOD polar bear habitat?:  Dispatches From Polar Scientists
Following a trail of polar bear tracks on the sea ice. To find bears for capture, we fly low over good habitat – areas of sea ice with cracks and leads which allow seals to surface, making them vulnerable to predation – and look for bears or their sign. In good light conditions such as this photo, tracks are easy to see. These tracks belonged to an adult female with two cubs-of-the-year (COYs).

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