Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Investor's Business Daily -- Where's The Crisis?
Fraud: The public is told that climate change legislation is urgently needed to save the planet. But the evidence that the global warming scare is all about power and politics, not the environment, keeps piling up.
Out Of Balance: ExxonMobil's Impact on Climate Change
“Out of Balance: ExxonMobil’s Impact on Climate Change“ shows the influence that the largest company in the world has on governments, the media and citizens and what can be done about global warming. While the Earth’s climate is pushed further out of balance by increasing use of fossil fuels, ExxonMobil continues to assert undue influence around the world— making record profits while ignoring climate science for which there has been overwhelming consenus for over ten years.
BBC - Climate Change: The Blog of Bloom: Exclusive: Ed Miliband talks to Bloom (and the director of 'Age of Stupid')
'At the moment the best deal on the table is the UK's position', says Armstrong, 'but even if that got accepted ... that would give us only about a fifty-fifty chance of averting dangerous climate change, and preventing the deaths of hundreds of millions of people'.

And there's even a moment worthy of The Office about 1 min 30 secs in. Enjoy.
Australian Climate Madness: Government trying to blackmail business into opposing ETS delay
Desperate times call for desperate measures, especially if you're part of Spin & Co, I mean Krudd & Co, and are trying to force through pointless, expensive legislation at any price. Now, Greg Combet, without any hint of irony, is trying to blackmail the Australian business community by scurrilously claiming that delaying the ETS "will cost billions".

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