Wednesday, May 27, 2009

SF Environmental Policy Examiner: Is global warming a moral panic, the challenge of our generation, both or neither?
The question before us all today is whether global warming is the major challenge confronting our generation or is it a chimera, a ghost story to be told around a campfire?
Waxman-Markey: Coercion for its own sake |
One that should not be discounted, though, is the pleasure some people derive from placing their heels on other people’s necks. Politics is chiefly about the organization and application of power. It tends to attract people who enjoy bullying and coercing others. To regulate is to coerce. Command-and-control regulation is more coercive than the market-based variety. So despite their real or feigned enthusiasm for cap-and-trade, many climate activists are hopelessly addicted to mandates.
Lamb Burps,Tomatoes, and Alcohol are Destroying the Planet and Need to be Regulated « America’s Watchtower
Is that the most ludicrous thing that you have ever read? Lamb burping poses a serious threat to the environment? Let me just explain something to these morons, lambs are part of nature; if they burp that is part of nature. Nature is not going to destroy nature. Nature adapts; it always has and it always will.

This is just so ridiculous that I can’t even believe I am wasting my time. But there is a more serious aspect to this story; the government wants to start convincing people that they have to start changing their eating habits. Besides lamb, the government wants people to stop eating tomatoes and drinking alcohol in order to save the planet. Tomatoes and alcohol are two of the more environmentally unfriendly items that a person can consume according to the Committee on Climate Change.
How not to make a climate photo op « Watts Up With That?
You have to wonder- what were these guys thinking? The only media visual they could have chosen that would send a worse message of forecast certainty was a dart board…or maybe something else?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now even tomatoes have a high carbon footprint and aren't climate neutral...bad news for ketchup advertisement tells us, a lot of tomatos go into a single ketchup bottle....And how will pizza be made without either tomatoes or cheese (from cows ...) ?