Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Australian Climate Madness: Headline of the day
I'm rather busy this week, and will only be able to post a few items, but this headline in The Sydney Moonbat Herald made me smile, again regarding Steve Fielding's "re-programming" meeting:
Senator hears a science lesson on climate.
The clear implication from this being that only Wong and her alarmist cohorts know anything about the climate, and anyone daring to dissent is merely uneducated, and needs "teaching a lesson". Another classic from Fairy-tale Facts™.
Breaking Down the Costs of Waxman-Markey Global Warming Legislation » The Foundry
In the name of saving our planet from “catastrophic global warming” for future generations, what we’re really doing is ensuring they live in a world with less opportunity and are paying for our mistakes through increased debt, all for a change in the temperature too small to ever notice. All of these costs accrue in the first 25 years of a 90-year program that, as calculated by climatologists, will lower temperatures by only hundredths of a degree in 2050 and no more than two-tenths of a degree at the end of the century.
Man Up, Climate Skeptics, or Miss Out on the Money: Eric Pooley - Bloomberg.com
Now it’s true that 1998 was a record hot year for the planet, thanks to the combination of long-term global warming and short-term El Nino. According to the U.K.’s data, it was the hottest so far. But according to NASA, which uses more complete data, 2005 was hotter, and 2007 was just as hot, without any help from El Nino. That’s scary.
(Eric Pooley, a former managing editor of Fortune magazine who is writing a book about the politics of global warming, is a Bloomberg News columnist. The opinions expressed are his own.)

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