Tuesday, June 16, 2009

May the Farce Be With You - Steve Hayward - Planet Gore on National Review Online
While most of us are concentrating our fire on the costs and bureaucracy that Waxman-Markey entails, no one has noticed one salient political fact: Had the Bush administration and the GOP Congress proposed the current language back in, say, 2005, all of the leading green groups would have vehemently opposed it as an ineffective sellout to corporate interests. (See, for example, the latest estimate from the Breakthrough Institute that Waxman-Markey will only reduce GHG emissions by about 0.5 percent by 2020.) But the greens are so in-the-bag for Obama and Pelosi, and so desperate to pass something — anything — before Copenhagen in December, that they're willing to become shameless hypocrites.
Canadian Blue Lemons: The Global Warming Debate is Over
People who actually look at the facts come in only two categories: bought and paid for by money they make by trying to scare the bejeezus out of people about the climate, and those that say it's a load of hooey.
EurActiv.com - EU, US criticised for low profile in Bonn climate talks | EU - European Information on Climate Change
"The US has been very quiet this time around," said Tim Gore, Oxfam International's climate change adviser, drawing a comparison to the first round of talks two months ago. Back then, the global community broadly welcomed the engagement of President Barack Obama's administration after years of inaction under President Bush.
Text Of Complaint To The BBC About Prepackaged Militant AGW “News” « The Unbearable Nakedness of CLIMATE CHANGE
It is not honest because it is presented as “news” when it has clearly been pre-packaged long before anything had actually happened, with information that could not have been confirmed at the time (please note that as of now Reuters still talks of hundreds not thousands of marchers).

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