Tuesday, June 16, 2009

WalesOnline - [this article is a classic festival of climate alarmism, much like the ones we saw at the peak of global warming hysteria in 2007] - Global warming a threat to our treasured historic sites
A report by the UK Climate Impact Programme discovered that by 2080, sea levels will have risen by 40cm, and by 2100, the frequency of storms will have increased 20-fold in some coastal towns.
Climate Observations: Putting The Short-Term Trend Of North Atlantic SST Anomalies Into Perspective
“The disparity between the North Atlantic SST anomaly trend…and the rest of the subsets was striking. The North Atlantic SST anomaly linear trend for the period of November 1981 (the start of the OI.v2 SST dataset) and January 2009 is ~0.264 deg C/decade, while the global linear trend is ~0.0948 deg C/decade. The North Atlantic linear trend is approximately 2.8 times the global linear trend, driven by Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and El Ninos, (yes, El Ninos).”
Many forecasters have one word for this summer: COOL
Summer's coming. Grab a sweater.

Sunday and Monday may be in the 80s, but some forecasters say don't be fooled.

Across Minnesota and the Dakotas, temperatures could be below normal through the end of August, according to the federal Climate Prediction Center. The outlook for "meteorological summer" -- June, July and August -- prompted one Accuweather forecaster to predict a "year without summer."

"That's how the dice are loaded," said the Climate Prediction Center's senior meteorologist, Ed O'Lenic.

So far, the trend toward a cool summer has been emphatic, with furnaces blasting through the first days of June across the state. The average daily temperature for the first 11 days of June in the Twin Cities was 7.2 degrees below normal. [Via Minnesotans For Global Warming]

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