Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Some of that global warming alarmists’ dignity & grace - Orange Punch - OCRegister.com
Ever wonder why they froth so? Could it be because if they don’t shout down or intimidate the other side into silence, they might be found out for advocating a fraud? Nah, that couldn’t be it, could it?
Cap and trade has become a political pork fest : eLetters Colorado
The cap and trade system in the Waxman-Markey bill might have been well-intentioned in the beginning, but it has evolved into a giant political pork fest that doles out free petroleum-based products. To make the pork even juicer for a select few, once emission credits are issued, they would be bought and sold privately in a closed, complicated market run by the same Wall Street banks whose financial schemes led to the current economic meltdown.

The bill would do very little to eliminate carbon emissions, but it would eliminate 2.5 million American jobs. Cap and trade a la Waxman-Markey is so ripe for manipulation by special interests and so ineffective in reducing carbon levels that big environmental supporters like the Sierra Club have walked away from it in disgust. Congress should do the same thing before it’s too late.

Mark Raynes, Lakewood
Stop continental drift
Is it a cynical gesture to glue a ‘Stop Continental Drift’ bumper sticker on your gasoline addicted car? It most certainly is. Yet indirectly it also criticizes the romantic environmentalist longing to perceive nature as static: something that must not change – although environmentalist typically perceive themselves as progressives, such a static concept of nature is undoubtedly a conservative longing.

Perhaps the bumper sticker learns us that, rather than merely trying to stop all changes that are taking place, we should spend more time on developing a more flexible attitude towards the changes in our environment. After all, continents drift, climates alter and change happens.

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