Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Reference Frame: Climate in Bratislava
[Lubos Motl] I am getting ready for a trip to Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, where our fellow TRF reader Alexander Ač moderates a debate about climate change tomorrow at 5 pm local time,
Climate change: a threat for the 21st century or propaganda?
featuring your humble correspondent and Prof Milan Lapin, a distinguished Slovak climate expert who is so far on the wrong side of aisle. ;-) Infonet.tv is likely to broadcast it but as you can guess, I prefer if no one watches it.
Sheffield conference warns of climate change - AUDIO - Sheffield Telegraph
Sheffield summers will get hotter and the region will be hit by more flash floods, a climte change conference in Sheffield heard.
Our winters will be warmer and wetter - in Sheffield there is likely to be 14 per cent more winter rainfall - and, if we do not adapt to these climate changes, they will have a catastrophic impact on the region's landscape and wildlife.

That was the warning from leading politicians, environmentalists and lawyers at a climate change conference in Sheffield. The half-day event was organised jointly by the region's leading law firm DLA Piper in conjunction with the Wildlife Trusts in Yorkshire and Humberside.
Daily Referendum: Climate change my arse - You couldn't make it up!
So lets get this straight - Thousands of people from all over the world have flown to Copenhagen to talk about Climate Change. I'm damn sure that I'm not the only one who sees the idiocy of this summit? I'm a man made climate change sceptic, but I'm pretty sure that if it does indeed exist, then these morons are not exactly helping.

And how much has this cost the taxpayer?  [Via Skeptic's Corner]

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