Thursday, June 18, 2009

Technician - I'm coming out
And so the time has come, today I'm going to do it. I feel safe enough to come out of the closet and declare that I don't believe in the Global Warming fraud.
Sam Champion's New Climate Alarmism Toy
ABC News is giving away free advertising! Or Sam Champion is, anyway. On the June 18 edition of “Good Morning America” the weatherman-when-he’s-not-busy-saving-the-planet did his best to help DVD sales of Al Gore’s “Inconvenient Truth,” and then proceeded to rave about Deutsche Bank Climate Change Advisor’s new “Carbon Counter.” DBCCA is a commercial concern, as is Al Gore. If other members of the global warming industrial complex get wind of this, ABC may have to make good.
Global warming: Obama's other agenda - Jun. 18, 2009
In the meantime, opponents will continue to use the cost issue to fight the bill, as well as a more ideological approach.

Some, including most economists, say a simple carbon tax would be a more efficient way to reduce greenhouse gasses.

Many in the political sphere oppose a cap and trade plan right now because they say the benefits don't outweigh the costs. In short, they don't think global warming won't present as big of a problem as some say, and argue that it will be far cheaper to deal with the issue in the future when the costs of cleaner energy technology falls.

It's not a view shared by most scientists that study the issue.

[CNN Money photo caption] Deutsche Bank's carbon counter, unvield Thursday in midtown Manhattan is intended to display how many tons of carbon have currently accumulated in the atmosphere.
I wonder how much money Deutsche Bank spent on this massive climate fraud promotion...

Carbon counter unveiled in New York City; smoker worries about carbon dioxide: Scientific American Blog
Can you say guilt trip? New Yorkers will now be reminded of humanity’s growing carbon footprint as they hustle past Madison Square Garden and Penn Station.

Starting this morning, a 50-foot sign with a 13-character red digital display is tracking the trillions of tons of greenhouse gases roiling the atmosphere.

Climate heavyweights Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University and John Reilly of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology were on hand for the rainy unveiling.

The counter is the work of scientists from around the country. But it also serves as an advertisement of sorts for sponsor Deutsche Bank, whose Climate Change Advisors group aims to help various industries profit from a low-carbon economy.
After Reilly left the stage, the counter remained dark as rain pelted the white press tent. Then, Sachs took the mic and cracked the downpour was only appropriate because a recently released government report on climate change forecasts rainier weather in the Northeast.
Under a nearby awning, Shawna Unger, a 35-year-old employee of publisher McGraw-Hill, was having a quick smoke. She was unaware of the clock until we mentioned it to her, but she said rising greenhouse gases worry her. Is she going to do anything about climate change? “I have those long-lasting light bulbs,” she said, “The long twirly fluorescent ones.”

1 comment:

papertiger said...

Sachs took the mic and cracked the downpour was only appropriate because a recently released government report on climate change forecasts rainier weather...

Sachs - yep that's the third one I couldn't think of. Goldman Sachs - the other investment bank done in by the global warming hoax.