Friday, June 26, 2009

Waxman-Markey -
We're not ignorant of political realities, and we don't believe the perfect should become the enemy of the good. Congress should deliver a bill to Mr. Obama this year. But given that congressional action could set a template for years or decades, we think it's too soon to settle for something that falls so far short of ideal.
America, just how phenomenally stupid are you? | The Real Revo
“Make no mistake, this is a jobs bill.” So what is Obama telling you?

He is telling you that this bill defies all known economic principles.

He is telling you that adding tremendous friction to the economy in the form of bureaucracy and added processes will cause the economy to grow.

He is telling you that hundred of billions of dollars of added expense and financial drag on American businesses will cause new jobs to be created.

He is telling you that hobbling the American economy while China, India and other economies run free will cause a wave of hiring in this country.

He is telling you that artificially driving up the cost of energy production will create jobs.

He is telling you that, even though everything he has said regarding job creation to date has been proved wrong, you should believe him now. Basically, he is telling you that he thinks you are in possession of refined, weapons grade stupidity. He thinks you are Joe Biden.
Global warming bill a test of Obama’s Capitol clout | Washington Examiner
“Speaker Pelosi is trying to sneak it under the wire as Congress is leaving town because it’s a disastrous bill for hardworking Americans,” said Phil Kerpen, policy director of Americans for Prosperity. “Congressmen who put green political correctness and making Al Gore rich over saving jobs and keeping energy affordable will face angry voters next November.”

The bill amounted to a falling out of sorts between Obama and billionaire Warren Buffett.

The prominent investor, who endorsed Obama for president, supported the stimulus bill and recently called for a second round of spending. But Buffett said in a recent interview that the energy bill was essentially an energy tax, because industry would pass higher costs on to consumers.

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