Tuesday, July 21, 2009

AccuWeather.com: A Risky Bet?
All I can say is that I wish I had seen this bet beforehand. I know there would be several of us at Accuweather.com who would take the challenge. I personally do not bet, but if I did, I think this is one bet that I could very well end up on the positive $$ end. I wonder if Joe Bastardi saw this? He would jump on this challenge in a second!
KELOLAND.COM - Greenpeace Indicted For Rushmore Demonstration
The federal prosecutor said a grand jury indicted Greenpeace and 11 individuals for conspiracy and other misdemeanors for hanging a global warming banner from Mount Rushmore National Memorial.

U.S. Attorney Marty Jackley said Greenpeace provided planning and training for co-conspirators and hired a helicopter so it could photograph and record the event in the Black Hills on July 8.
Second generation look at global warming
There was a wholly political rush to judgment that needed some scientific backing to lend weight to the political decisions that were being contemplated. So climate scientists accepted temperature measurements without verifying them and have been trying to correct for bias ever since. Some within the community have been trying to paint the most extreme picture possible, mostly to match the extreme pictures being created by politicians. And so we get absurd word pictures of 20 foot sea level rises backed by equally absurd Impressionist charts.

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