Monday, July 27, 2009

Blogs For Victory » Blog Archive » Global Warming Update
I’m one of those deniers - I’ll state it again, just to be clear: Anthropogenic Global Warming is a hoax. The world got warmer, but we had nothing to do with it. Now its getting cooler (and I love the way global warming enthusiasts are insisting that the recent cooling trend doesn’t prove that global warming is ending…its like saying that the lack of water coming down from the sky doesn’t prove that its stopped raining) and we have nothing to do with that, either.
Grain Outlook: The Mid-Summer Doldrums - Cattle Network
Because of even later planting this year, corn and soybean that would normally reach maturity about the first week in September will not reach maturity until the first week in October. The abnormally low temperatures recorded so far this summer complicate the situation. Locations in northern Corn Belt and Plains states have experienced record low night-time and day-time temperatures. The forecast is for the cool temperatures to persist through August into September. The problem is the slow accumulation of growing degree days. It takes time plus temperature for corn and soybeans to develop to full yield potential. For example, a corn variety that would take 110 days to mature under normal growing conditions, might take 125 days to mature if temperatures were below normal.

The bottom line is, given average first frost dates in the first half of September, crops in the Northern tier of states; North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan, may not have enough time to reach full yield potential. Even in the second tier states of Illinois and Indiana, where corn and soybeans are lagging 30 to 50 percent behind normal and where the first frost date is about the first week in October, the tops of the yield potential may be nipped by frost.
Why The Cool Summer? - WJW
So if someone asks why this summer has been so "cool", tell them its the NEGATIVE ARCTIC OSCILLATION AND A COUPLE OF VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS. That'll keep their head spinning for a while.

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