Bracknell's threatened birds declining due to snow falls - News - getbracknell - Bracknell Forest Standard
Numbers of a threatened species of bird native to some of Bracknell Forest’s nature reserves have dropped following heavy snowfalls in the winter.Point: Going green more harm than good
Conservationists are warning that numbers of Dartford warblers could have fallen by 80 or 90 per cent.
...Even the idea of recycling waste in the fashion in which we do so in the country does more harm than good. With the exception of recycling metal, the recycling of common waste products results in more cost and pollution than simply throwing our trash into a landfi ll. Huge amounts of government money and manpower through various state prison systems are the only way that paper and plastic recycling can turn a profi t. Furthermore, all of our paper products come from tree farms. Paper production is one of the few uses of renewable resources we have. Yet because of a lack of information and corruption, the US spends a ridiculous amount of money and generates a huge amount of waste to recycle paper.Missing Fingerprints « Buy the Truth
Even more irritating to any informed person are carbon credits. Only a government representative could come up with something this stupid. To limit the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, everyone will have to pay money to offset the generation of that gas. Naturally these costs will be passed onto consumers. So in effect, the richest polluters can continue as before, while small business will lose out due to higher costs. So instead of trying to develop new technologies and practices, we instead will destroy all but the most powerful producers of pollution and consolidate their role as the sole providers of services.
Moreover, as the dataset is extended, we see that the trend line appears asymptotic to zero. A few more months of tropospheric cooling (as we have been having in recent years) will bring the trend line even closer to the axis. In other words, the long-term trend in tropospheric heating/cooling is zero, the hotspot is not appearing, and the ‘fingerprint’ evidence of anthropogenic global warming is nowhere to be seen.
There is no doubt about it: anthropogenic global warming is a con.
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