Wednesday, July 15, 2009

California’s Global Warming Policy is Not One to Follow » The Foundry
In May, California’s unemployment rate hit 11.5 percent—the highest it has been since 1941. We recently learned that unemployment for the nation hit 9.5 percent in June—the highest rate in 26 years. California has the fourth highest foreclosure rate in the country. Of the cities with unemployment rates exceeding 15 percent, nearly half are in California.

As goes California, so goes the nation. And so go the people. Straight to the unemployment line.
Report Links Climate Change Bill Amendments to Special Interests | TakePart Social Action Network™
The Right’s arguments echo those of China and India, who recently rejected attempts by the G-8 to establish a carbon reduction deal. Like the oil and gas lobby, large developing countries feel that they will be unfairly hurt by emissions caps that they believe will restrict industrial growth.

While the US Congress and the world’s leaders each attempt to eke out viable carbon reduction strategies, environmentalists warn that climate change is only worsening. Slate’s Anne Applebaum says that if leaders were really serious about carbon reductions, they would bite the political bullet and implement across-the-board carbon taxes. Applebaum is pessimistic about the upcoming climate change talks in Copenhagen, and instead insists that the dignitaries save their jet fuel and begin implementing carbon taxes at home. But for a president already facing a trillion-dollar deficit and pricey health care reform program, implementing a carbon tax does not look like a viable option.
Rudd's VIP jet wastefully used as flying taxi | The Courier-Mail
KEVIN Rudd's VIP jet is a flying taxi that regularly burns cash and carbon to pick up the PM only hours after returning, empty, to Canberra.

RAAF planes are frequently travelling empty to Canberra only to turn around the following day, or even just hours later, to pick up Mr Rudd and his entourage from interstate.

Between July and December last year, the prime ministerial planes made 50 ``phantom'' flights between Canberra and the state capitals.
Salt Lake City Mayor Becker to Congress: Climate bill needs to go further - Salt Lake Tribune
"We cannot afford to lose any more jobs," said Sen. John Barrasso of Wyoming. "Our goal should be to do what we can to keep red, white and blue jobs that we have now and then move on to green jobs."

Under questioning, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood noted that one of the options to attempt to reduce fuel consumption was off the table.

"We are not for raising the gas tax," the secretary said.

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