Chu says white roofs save energy, address global warming - Jul. 13, 2009
Whitening the world's roofs and roads would have the same effect on global warming as removing all the world's cars for 11 years, he said.Swanson’s Not-So-Novel Post at RealClimate « Climate Change
"So I'd like to appeal to all people -- we should convert to white limousines," he said.
Chu was joking about the limousines, of course. But his proposal for addressing climate change is genuine.
It sounds kooky, but environmentalists say the idea is legit.
Swanson goes on to write, “Why would anyone in their right mind believe what I’ve just outlined? Everything hinges on the idea that something extraordinary happened to the climate system in response to the 1997/98 super-El Niño event (an idea that has its roots in the wavelet analysis by Park and Mann (2000)).”CentreRight: Why are we giving aid to Burma? They score higher than we do...
Well, there’s a few of us. And we’ve been saying it for awhile. In fact, when I have attempted to make this exact case on alarmist websites, like RealClimate, the ad homs come flying, and I am told that by definition ENSO in a non-radiative oscillation so my ideas are silly and I am an idiot. I don’t especially care (aside from what it says about science), except it forces me to wonder how RealClimate let Swanson get away with such ridiculous claims! Perhaps the answer lies in the fact that although we both noted the step-change resulting from the 1997/8 El Nino, he suggested it had no implications for AGW theory. So this is how science works for the alarmists; truly, this is a great example of how they will only support ideas that support their cause. And that’s not science.
...Ideas that would be seen as absurd (Burma is a better example of how to order a society than Sweden, Britain or the United States) or threatening (imagine someone on the far 'right' saying that we would be better off without a large chunk of the human population) can be mainstream when they wrap themselves in the green banner. That is why the debate over environmental policy has to be taken so seriously, and why governments and parties scared of the 'green' or 'environmental' lobby risk being driven to real insanity.Scott Adams weighs in
1 comment:
"removing all the world's cars for 11 years.."
Is it that white roofs have such a large effect, or is it that cars have such a little effect on the climate? And why stop at the roofs and roads, i.e. man made objects? We could change the color of the oceans and make earth the "white planet".
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