Monday, July 20, 2009

Dennis Avery: Wildlife ‘keeping up’ with climate change
All over the planet, birds, butterflies, mammals and plants have been extending their ranges closer to the poles as the earth has warmed—mostly without giving up much of their previous habitat. They’re also prepared to retreat if necessary, because they carry the evolutionary knowledge of more than 500 global warmings—and 500 coolings—in the last million years.
Greg Mankiw's Blog: Questions for the President
2. During your campaign, you said, "The danger in a cap-and-trade system is that the permits to emit greenhouse gases are given away for free as opposed to priced at auction. One of the mistakes the Europeans made in setting up a cap-and-trade system was to give too many of those permits away." The climate change bill now being considered in Congress does the same thing. Are you now willing to have the United States make the same mistake the Europeans made, or would you veto the bill?
Twitter / Sarah Wash:
Part 1: Latest climate change skeptic straw-grasp: Heartland Inst. teams up with TV weather man to launch surfacestations
Twitter / Sarah Wash
Part 2: Plus...the very same issue, as it was dealt with FIVE YEARS AGO on Realclimate: C'mon, some new info please!
Sarah Wash (sarahmwash) on Twitter
# Name Sarah Wash
# Location Minneapolis, MN
# Bio I work for the Great Plains Institute, a Midwestern US based NGO that brings people together to address energy and climate issues.

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