Thursday, July 16, 2009 - Global Warming Reference List
A Facebook friend wrote to me tonight and asked if I had some links to articles on global warming she could use to learn more about it so she could work to convince her mom the issue didn't warrant giant tax increases. I realized I did actually have a pretty good list of links and thought I'd post them here. Not sure all of them work, but most should.
Denier’s — Raise Your Hands « the Air Vent
Now it is UAH is satellite data which has the lowest trend I’m aware of and isn’t necessarily correct or incorrect. The UAH will warm again, have no fear, but today there is cooling shown, it does exist and I wonder…

………Does this make Dr. John Moore the anti-science denier?
Quote of the Day: Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND) on Waxman-Markey » The Foundry
Senator Byron Dorgan speaking on the floor of the Senate on why he can’t support any legislation that looks like the Waxman-Markey Global Warming bill:
My preference would be that we not take up the Waxman-Markey bill, as such. I know a lot of work has gone into that legislation, but my preference would be that we start in a different direction...
BBC NEWS [paints a glowing picture of solar power in Africa]
Domestic solar panels can provide cheap, clean and reliable electricity.
Elfenesh Tefera, 40, enjoys solar energy at home with her 50-year-old farmer husband Aseged Hailemariam.

"Our kids can do their homework at night now, because there is light. They are very happy," says Ms Tefera.

"We've had solar energy for over a year now. We're very happy because we're saving money. Altogether we have eight children, and for our kids at school the solar energy is great."

Her husband adds: "We're taking care of the panels so that we don't have to spend money replacing them."
Cold beer is in high demand in Rema - the bar's solar-powered fridge has made it available.
"They are 24-hour light users, and that is better than the big cities in this country."

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