Thursday, July 16, 2009

An inconvenient travel itinerary: Gore can't find a few minutes to deal with Steve Fielding's questions

Fast and loose with the truth as Big Al whips up a climate of fear | Herald Sun
WHAT a shame Al Gore has left town, trailing gassy contrails, without us again catching up.

But, alas, I see the old fraud has got wilier since the days he still took unscripted questions from the floor.

What a mistake that was, as he found one day in California when the question he took was from . . . me. What fun.

These days the former US vice-president and now Nobel Prize-winning guru of global warming no longer lets just anyone ask him tricky questions, if he can help it, and he avoids debates.

For instance, he never did find the time he said he'd look for in his diary when Family First Senator Steve Fielding asked after his Melbourne speech for a quick briefing on why the world had cooled over the past eight years, rather than warmed.

I guess there were just too many sponsors Gore had to chat to instead - the green carpetbaggers of wind power, solar schemes and carbon trading who'd paid for him to come scare up more business of the kind that's made Gore so rich.
The Wong-Fielding Meeting On Global Warming | Climate Realists
Senator Fielding holds a crucial vote on the proposed Emissions Trading Legislation.

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