Wednesday, July 15, 2009

More mumbo-jumbo from IPCC head Pachauri's TERI
New Delhi: A consistent, reliable, credible, and transparent reporting mechanism is a critical element in the process of communicating a corporation's efforts to be more sustainable. Organizations are increasingly adopting the concept of corporate sustainability, which is focused on environmental, social, and economic performance, in place of the traditional principle of ‘growth and profit maximization’.
European Commission gives away 5,000 trees to under 30s | Arboriculture | Horticulture Week
There is also a competition to win one of 10 places on a European climate learning camp. Entrants must upload photos of themselves planting their free trees to take part.
GISS: World’s airports continue to run warmer than ROW « Watts Up With That?
Once again, the bulk of temperatures comprising the present-day worldwide GISS average come from airports – in this case 554 airports, according to the NOAA metadata from the V2 station inventory. In the US, the ratio of airports to total stations continues to run very high, with 121 out of the 134 reporting stations being located at airports.

Why worry about airports? Aside from recent posts on this site documenting problems with airport ASOS equipment in the US, WUWT has also documented a number of equipment siting problems, notably the typical close proximity of the equipment to a tarmac heat sink. Airports can introduce a mini-UHI effect where one would otherwise not be found.
Michael D. Garber: Another look at Walz' vote on climate change | Worthington Daily Globe | Worthington, Minnesota
The notion that Mr. Walz voted for the cap and trade bill is certainly indisputable. The notion, however, that he voted to combat global climate change is absurd. The global climate has remained constant or cooled since 2001. The polar bears are reaching record numbers. The science behind the global warming/change issue is being called more and more into question.

What cannot be questioned is the fact that what Mr. Walz voted for was more government control of more industries and astronomical tax increases on Americans already struggling to pay for the “bold and necessary step” of economic stimulation.

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