Monday, July 20, 2009

Mythbusters: Cap-and-Trade Costs “Less Than a Postage Stamp a Day” |
The CBO study ignores the impact of a cap-and-trade on Gross Domestic Product, which is like trying to calculate a baseball player’s batting average without including singles or doubles. Of course the CBO underestimates the economic impact of Waxman-Markey-it ignores the fact that expensive energy makes everything made with energy more expensive, which is everything.
Enviros sap military: Mission = green? « Green Hell Blog
Shouldn’t the military just focus on its core mission — which is already difficult enough — without worrying about solving imaginary problems that have costly and performance hampering solutions?

Besides, Al Gore doesn’t worry about his carbon footprint, so why should Sgt. Fury?
American Thinker Blog: Cronkite a hypocrite on advocating for clean energy
Although he later retracted his views , recently deceased newsman Walter Cronkite lent his stature, his power, as well as his professional voice to ads opposing the installation of wind turbines for the production of clean, cost efficient wind energy in the ocean off his Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts summer home.

But Cronkite wasn't the only influential individual who used his power and his contacts to shear a wind farm from his front or back yard. Other prominent individuals also opposed to the wind farms in the waters off the Massachusetts coast, where many wealthy individuals have summer homes, include both the state's senators Ted Kennedy (D) and John Kerry (D).
Meanwhile, the wise Alaskan woman governor, with the richness of her experiences, has reached a better conclusion as to the production of clean energy than wealthy East Coast men of power.
Twitter / Frank Hannaford
Another gray and soggy July day. I suppose without global warming it would be minus 40 around here!!

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