Sunday, July 26, 2009

Obama's Interior Secretary: Still promoting the greatest scientific fraud in human history

The Way to a New Energy Future
We will not fully unleash the potential of the clean energy economy unless Congress puts an upper limit on the emissions of heat-trapping gases that are damaging our environment. Doing so will level the playing field for new technologies by allowing the market to put a price on carbon, and will trigger massive investment in renewable energy projects across the country.

We are also seeing the dangerous consequences of climate change: longer and hotter fire seasons, reduced snow packs, rising sea levels and declines of wildlife. Farmers, ranchers, municipalities, and other water users in Colorado and across the West are facing the possibility of a grim future in which there is less water to go around.
[Ken Salazar is the secretary of the interior.]

1 comment:

papertiger said...

He served out 5 years of his Senate term blocking every domestic energy project that came before the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

I'm an optimist, so I look at Salazar's demotion to Interior as a boil removed from the US Senate.

But that assessment is without knowing his chances of re-election in 2010. Perhaps some tracking polls showed that Colorado was set to give Kenny the heave ho.

At any rate it's easier to get rid of an Interior Sec. then it is a Senator.