Sunday, July 26, 2009

Thy neighbor's energy usage -
Homes with above-average scores get a smiley face. Homes in the top 20 get two smiley faces. In Sacramento, Calif., which tried a similar program a year ago, frowny faces were used for less-efficient homes, but that sparked vehement protests. Owatonna decided not to touch the frownies. In Owatonna, households that fall below the midpoint were told they used "more than average."
Beginning next year, Xcel and every other utility in Minnesota will be under a state mandate to reduce overall energy consumption by 1.5 percent per year, and the utilities need new ammunition.
...the report also spurred the Ericksons to swap out their light bulbs, disconnect a second freezer in the garage Julie's husband Ross used during hunting season and buy old-fashioned wired telephones that get their electricity through the phone line to replace three cordless phones that needed a wall socket.

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