Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Reader response: Obama's honeymoon; offensive Tories; global warming is never wrong - Full Comment
Re: John Moore: Climate skeptics' arguments don't hold ice

So let me get Moore's formula right.

With the following facts;
1. Crushing heat wave in India = Global Warming
2. Drought in West = Global Warming
3. Cold Summer in East = anecdotal evidence from deniers
...whatever the facts, Global Warming always wins.
Malawi [claims no CO2 emissions]
Mutharika, who was making his first international official trip since his re-election at the May 19 polls, said he would also table the issue of global warning at the summit.

"Malawi did not contribute to global warming...industrial countries did it," he said. "How do we protect innocent countries like Malawi?"
Airports in Malawi: Do all planes in Malawi run solely on wind and/or solar power?
Airport Code City/Airport Name
BLZ Blantyre Chileka
CMK Club Makokola
DWA Dwangwa
KGJ Karonga
LLW Lilongwe Kamuzu
MAI Mangochi
MYZ Monkey Bay
ZZU Mzuzu
LMB Salima

1 comment:

Mark Alger said...

Not to mention: do Malawians not breathe? Or are they plant life -- breathing in CO2 and exhaling oxygen?