Friday, July 31, 2009

[Right-winger mentions God, which allegedly means he's an idiot!]
[Dick Armey] Let me say I take it as an article of faith if the lord God almighty made the heavens and the Earth, and he made them to his satisfaction and it is quite pretentious of we little weaklings here on earth to think that we are going to destroy God’s creation.
[2007: So what does it mean when a left-winger mentions God?]: Radio Iowa: On a rainy Sunday, Obama focuses on God's creation
[Obama] "The Bible tells us that when God created the Earth....(God issued a call to stewardship)...but in recent years science has made it undeniably clear our generation is not living up to our obligation....The polar ice caps are now melting faster than anyone could have predicted....250 million people (could be forced from their homes due to famine)....We are not living up to the resonsibility God entrusted to us if we allow 250 million of God's children go hungry....We're not acting as good stewards of God's earth (when profit motive prevails)...(Crowd applauds)
March 2007: Pelosi: "Moral Issue to Preserve God's Creation"
Speaker Nancy Pelosi described the imperative for the new global warming legislation as coming not only from national security, health and economic concerns, but in terms of the "moral issue to preserve God's creation" without hurting the poor.

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