Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Kratovil catches flak for cap and trade [swindle] vote
DENTON (AP) - Some Eastern Shore farmers are unhappy with Rep. Frank Kratovil for voting for a bill that would regulate greenhouse gas emissions through a cap-and-trade system.

Kratovil told constituents at a town-hall meeting yesterday in Caroline County that he tried to make the bill easier on farmers. Amendments to the bill would exempt agriculture and forestry from the cap-and-trade system and allow farmers to be compensated for their emission-control measures.

The Democratic congressman says the bill is not perfect but that regulation of emissions is inevitable.

One poultry farmer said the resulting increase in energy costs would threaten his family's future and stormed out of the meeting before Kratovil could finish his response. Anita Smith of Greensboro also spoke out against the bill, saying it would be too expensive and burdensome for farmers.
Frank Kratovil: Information from
Frank Michael Kratovil, Jr., (born May 29, 1968) is an American Democratic politician from the state of Maryland, and the Congressman for Maryland's 1st congressional district.
More from WWF and the Discovery Channel's "Open" Passage Expedition
The holding tank has been giving us trouble from the very start of the trip, so we decided we’d fix the whole problem and bypass the tank and the pump. From now on, everything from the toilet would go directly into the sea.
Michelle Malkin » This is what mob rule looks like
There is a world of difference between these acts of left-wing vigilantism and the civic participation of vocal taxpayers peacefully, but forcefully, challenging their representatives in public forums.

Smear FAIL.
Russ Carnahan rattled at Cash for Clunkers presser
Carnahan held a press conference at McMahon Ford in south St. Louis city. Constituents who showed up to politely and peacefully voice their concerns were both barred from entering the lobby where Carnahan was fielding press inquiries and prevented from asking their elected official any questions.

The congressman was nearly drowned out by chants of “Can Carnahan!” He even got into a verbal scuffle with a reporter who asked the congressman a valid question, a question Carnahan avoided. He would only address the constituents as “naysayers.” It’s unfortunate that we live in an era where showing up to voice your concerns to your elected official is deemed “disruptive.”

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