Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: Dubious Statistics
Can anyone point to a prediction of a slowdown in temperature increase made before the slowdown occurred?
Al Fin: Obama Plans US Energy Shut-Down -- The Chinese Are Not Nearly So Foolish
Under the Obama administration, offshore oil, oil shales, nuclear power, and other reliable forms of baseload power are not having much success either. Obama seems to believe that shutting down the US energy supply will make him a better leader, and the US a better country.

The Chinese are a good deal more intelligent, apparently, and understand that a nation's energy supply is the life's blood of its industry. That is why the Chinese are planning a vast new energy future for the 21st century.
Support for Health Care Plan Falls Back To Pre-Speech Levels - Rasmussen Reports™
Following President Obama’s speech to Congress last week, support for his health care reform plan increased steadily to a peak of 51% yesterday. However, the bounce appears to be over. The latest daily tracking shows that support has fallen all the way back to pre-speech levels.

Forty-five percent (45%) of all voters nationwide now favor the plan while 52% are opposed.
Siren Song: The Eternal Lure of Offshore Wind Power - Environmental Capital - WSJ
This isn’t the first time Europeans have been bullish on offshore wind. Back in 2003, the group expected 70,000 megawatts by 2020. In 2004, the lobby confidently predicted there would be 10,000 megawatts of offshore wnd in Europe by 2010; today the group is hoping to breach 2,000 megawatts.

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