Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Top Ten "green" cars that met their fate during Cash for Clunkers — Autoblog Green
After all, it's pretty clear that CNG vehicles burn clean, but that didn't stop 232 of them from meeting their sodium silicate solution-induced death.
Raphael Alexander: Damaging the economy to please environmentalists - Full Comment
The major flaw with Maurice Strong’s view is held in the pages of the Kyoto Protocol itself, which punishes the “developed" nations” primarily. “Developing” nations like China have dug in their heels to carbon markets and taxes, enjoying year-over-year economic growth rates of 8%, an investment miracle for those disillusioned with the West. One such person enjoying such opportunities is Maurice Strong, who has had active business interests in the country for 40 years. It may indeed be a case of socialist in ideology and capitalist in methodology, only we’re the ones buying into the socialist part.
Another 'Couldifmite' Weasel Word Global Warming Story From Reuters | NewsBusters.org
Could. If. Might.

Take a look at almost any global warming alarmism story and you are likely to see a plethora of those speculative weasel words. It happens so frequently that your humble correspondent, in his previous global warming story about the "Modoki," labeled a new term incorporating those words: "Couldifmite."
Mass Psychosis of the Radical Left
Despite countless scientific reports that Al Gore’s Global Warming scenario is without scientific proof, they buy the swindle and proclaim that the “debate is over” when no real debate on the subject has ever taken place.

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