Thursday, October 15, 2009

ANALYSIS - U.N. climate talks may need extra time in 2010 | World | Reuters
"There may have to be extra time," said Nick Mabey, of the E3G think-tank in London, suggesting April 2010 as a deadline for a deal.
Sept '09: No 'Plan B' if Copenhagen Talks Fail: UNFCCC Official
A key climate change meeting in Copenhagen this December could well be the last chance for countries to reach a pact on how to deal with the global warming crisis as the UN panel has no 'Plan B' in case the talks fail.

"There is no 'Plan B' if climate change talks fail at Copenhagen," a senior official of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change told a group of visiting journalists.
Haile Gebrselassie & Derartu Tulu join climate change [hoax] campaign | Good News Ethiopia
“It is time to say to the world “Let us share the benefits of development.We cannot continue to be the victims of climate change. We share this world and we am asking the developed world on behalf of all Africans to stop polluting the earth and to think of all the farmers who depend on the rain and those who will starve if there is no rain,” said Haile Gebreselassie, quoted by Ethiopian Television on Wednesday.
Cambodian Charcoal Market Is Booming - Green Inc. Blog -
According to a 2008 study conducted jointly by Cambodia’s Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy, the United Nations Development Program and the environmental group Geres, the number of households projected to use charcoal as an energy source in Cambodia will rise from about 500,000 currently to more than one million in 2015.

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