Great ball of fire! Video reveals explosive magnetic power of the Sun | Mail Online
These huge solar prominences are several times larger than the Earth and are caused by the solar activity cycle. It is one of the most spectacular events that the twin STEREO (Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory) craft have observed.The IPCC Is Never Wrong -2- “Settled Science” Of Chinese Whispers
Given that the scientifically-valid statements in the IPCC AR4 report are strictly capable to cover and include whatever outcome the Earth’s climate will compute for us, how can we find ourselves surrounded by people clamoring that, on the basis of the very same IPCC report, the “science is settled”?Supporters say summit won't reach climate [hoax] deal | Reuters
“Chinese whispers”. That’s how.
The incoming strictly-orthodox and yet very open minded IPCC message is of an ongoing, complex, fascinating scientific analysis full of uncertainties that need to be investigated. Yet, at the other end of the “broken telephone” all channels are clogged by absurdist, simplistic claims of “the debate is over” (a statement that is, in a sense, the true denial).
"I think it's impossible to really get to a binding international agreement" by mid-December in Copenhagen, said Eileen Claussen, president of the Pew Center on Global Climate Change.
Speaking at a forum sponsored by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Claussen sketched out interim steps that could be taken, with the goal of wrapping up a comprehensive deal by mid-2010, instead of December this year.
"We can get a strong political statement -- an agreement to get to two degrees -- and then a date certain to conclude the negotiations. That may be where we end up" at the conclusion of the Copenhagen meeting, Claussen added.
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