Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Homebase turns off lights to save energy - Telegraph
Customers have commented that branches of the hardware chain seem unusually dim since Home Retail Group, owner of Homebase and Argos, ordered stores to start cutting their carbon footprint.
Severe frost damage confirmed in NSW crops
Late frosts have caused millions of dollars worth of damage to grain crops across Central West NSW.

A cold snap earlier this month pushed temperatures below zero, freezing canola, wheat and lupins.
Prince of Wales out of touch, poll shows - Telegraph
The Prince, who has invested huge amounts of time and energy in his campaign against global warming, will be dismayed that his efforts have made no impact in Canada which he has visited 15 times. The majority of people surveyed had no clue that he was championing international action on climate change.
Twitter Targets Barack Obama: Climate Change [Swindle] Campaigners Want Him At Copenhagen UN Talks
Oxfam US and UK, Greenpeace and 10:10 are among the organisations encouraging their supporters to take part, using the Twitter hashtag #Hope2Cope.
YouTube - Glenn Beck Stop Global Warming Don't Eat Meat

EXCLUSIVE: Pawlenty Defends Conservative Credentials - HUMAN EVENTS
[Q] What is your position on the “cap and trade” climate legislation now before the Senate?

Pawlenty:.. I wrote a letter to our congressional delegation months ago opposing cap-and-trade. My view on climate change is that we should all take reasonable ways to reduce pollution, but we need to do it in ways that don’t wreck the economy and advance bureaucracies that are corrosive to the economy and markets. The cap-and-trade scheme that is now before the Senate is something I do not support. There have been a number of tremendous developments in recent years around these issues. We have now found natural gas deposits in West Virginia and Pennsylvania and other places that are, with new technology, reasonably accessible. They would power the entire base-load energy of the country for 75 years. That, plus the expansion of nuclear power, plus the renewable portfolios that make economic sense, gives us a way to address the pollution concerns without having the government take over another chunk of bureaucracy and micromanage the economy.

Q: Do you support ANWR drilling?

Pawlenty: I do.

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