Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Obama Administration Seeks Climate Change Action - Political News - FOXNews.com
Senate Democrats have all but abandoned the prospects of getting a climate bill passed this year, although they hoped that they could show some progress on the issue, such as clearing a bill out of a major committee, in advance of international climate negotiations in Denmark in December.
Republican Sen. James Inhofe, the committee's ranking Republican, said in an interview Monday that he expects Democrats to push the bill through the committee, but it will not pass the Senate.
Meanwhile on Monday, Boxer turned to the Internet and YouTube to plead for action to combat global warming. The video, nearly a 1 1/2 minutes long, features the senator with her 10-months-old grandson, Sawyer, interspersed with images of congested highways, flooding from Hurricane Katrina and ice chunks falling off glaciers.
Deal-Breaker for Climate-Change Treaty May Be Obama’s Congress - Bloomberg.com
Obama hasn’t decided whether to make an appearance, administration officials said. Environmentalists say he’s a likely no-show because stalled climate bills in Congress mean the U.S. may have little to offer, threatening to unravel prospects for a global deal.

If this were a play getting ready to come to Broadway, we would say: ‘Well, we aren’t sure of the financial backing or the orchestra and, guess what, the lead star says he might not sing,’” said Peter Goldmark, director of the climate and air program at New York-based Environmental Defense.
“Are we going to be forever hostage to the U.S. Congress?” asked Bernarditas Muller, a negotiator for the Philippines who helps co-ordinate the G77 group, an alliance of 130 developing nations.
Obama and many world leaders probably will send underlings to the Danish capital instead of traveling themselves as the chance of countries breaking a deadlocks are slim, said Eileen Claussen, head of the Pew Center on Global Climate Change in Arlington, Virginia.
Behavioral Changes Are Needed To Cut Greenhouse Gas
“Activities such as weatherization of homes, routine vehicles maintenance and opting for the clothesline instead of the dryer could cut total US carbon emissions by 5 percent over just five years, and by 7.4 percent in ten years,” Dietz said.
At Google, Chu announces grants for 'out-of-the-box' global warming [hoax] projects - San Jose Mercury News
Fulfilling a campaign pledge to tap Silicon Valley innovation to combat global warming, Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced Monday at Google's headquarters the first federal grants for high-risk, high-reward clean-tech ventures — including revolutionary technologies like using bacteria to create gasoline.
Note that after Chu's fuel-guzzling trip to California, he must have taken another fuel-guzzling trip to Washington, DC--to testify before Congress on the alleged need for legal caps on greenhouse-gas emissions.

1 comment:

papertiger said...

Boxer is a calculating hag. She's timing this youtube goofest because Chuck Devore is on a bus tour with the Teaparty Patriots.
Look for her to step up the BS considerably in the next few days.
Hopefully, Please, Tom pay her a little extra attention for this span of time. I'll be forwarding to Devore's campaign.