Monday, November 30, 2009

Copenhagen climate [hoax] conference: The key players | Environment | The Guardian
A huge cast of characters will debate, cajole and eventually decide a deal. John Harris selects his climate heroes – plus one villain
Nick Griffin stands alone over 'dodgy' climate change science | Environment | The Guardian
Ed Miliband, the climate change secretary, said Griffin's views were "irresponsible and wrong." He would not be part of the formal negotiations "and rightly he will not be listened to by anyone with any credibility who is part of the negotiations."
Copenhagen summit: It's money that matters in the backroom talks | Environment | The Guardian
Vast sums will be needed to lubricate the settlement rich and poor nations must achieve to combat global warming. John Vidal considers the prospect of the biggest transfer of funds in history
Copenhagen conference: The view from America | Elizabeth Kolbert | Environment | The Guardian
Meanwhile, public opinion in the US has been tracking in precisely the wrong direction. According to a recent poll, just 36% of Americans believe that there is "solid evidence that the earth is warming" due to "human activity." This is down 11% from the spring of 2008. If President Obama thinks that he has been communicating the urgency of the problem, he needs to think again.

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