Monday, November 30, 2009

Public opposition to ETS growing | Gladstone Politics
OTER opposition to Labor's planned emissions trading scheme is growing, The Nationals say.

The party is opposed to legislation setting up the carbon pollution reduction scheme which the government wants the Senate to pass later on Monday.

Party director Brad Henderson says public support for The Nationals' stance is on the rise.

"Particularly in the last fortnight it has developed into a torrent," he told ABC Radio, adding that party MPs and senators are taking thousands of calls on a daily basis.
[Russia: You owe us billions because we allegedly unintentionally improved the weather] -
"It may not have been intentional, but we went through very difficult times and paid a high price for this reduction," said Igor Bashmakov, director of the Center for Energy Efficiency in Moscow who has advised the Kremlin on climate-change policies.
Copenhagen climate conference: Emission impossible | Environment | The Guardian
Two of the top thinkers on climate change explain why the most important political gathering of our time will succeed or fail
* Nicholas Stern and George Monbiot
Israpundit » Blog Archive » Global Warming: The Multi-Trillion Dollar Piltdown Man
The bottom line is that the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit has just admitted openly that it did not adhere to perhaps the most basic practice of scientific research, which makes the entire proposition of “global warming” and the need to counteract it with carbon taxes and so on a multitrillion dollar Piltdown Man. The only difference between the original Piltdown Man and global warming hysteria consists of intent; the former was a deliberate hoax or practical joke while the latter was the result of honest but slipshod (specifically, throwing away data and thus making independent verification or replication of the research impossible) practices.

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