Monday, November 30, 2009

Douglas Carswell: How the facts on global warming have changed | Leo Hickman | Environment |
The Tory blogger on what caused his climate change epiphany – after two decades of believing that humans were to blame
On Climate Data, Trends and Peer Review - Dot Earth Blog -
If you’re familiar with this new approach to weighing scientific evidence and arguments, do you think it could provide a way to separate chaff and wheat that avoids claims of bias or pack self preservation? What are its pitfalls?
Science historian reacts to hacked climate e-mails - Capital Weather Gang
Although the personal emails do not provide any scientific evidence that would counter the scientific consensus that human emissions are altering the climate system, they are likely to be politically damaging, because they raise the appearance of impropriety in the scientific process.
[Spencer Weart]: I don't expect this to have much impact on public perceptions of climate and climate scientists. Opinions have become so fixed that it would take serious evidence to shift a significant number of people.
Twitter / Andy Revkin
PlanetGore> I'm in #climatehack emails~ My take? If there were 1000 climate msgs without me mentioned, I'd be worried
The Scientists Involved in Deliberately Deceiving the World on Climate - Tim Ball
Government Funding Enlarges the Monster

Political exploitation will delay condemnation. Business and political opportunities created by CRU and IPCC, both heavily funded by government, will not yield easily. I spoke with five farm groups in Alberta recently and at one a company selling carbon credits gave a presentation. The person involved said he didn’t care about or even want to discuss the science. He saw a business opportunity. Farmers saw income. I told them the cost of carbon strategies would put money in their left pockets by taking a greater amount out of their right pockets. Sadly, I’ve known all along it’s based on false and falsified science. Now the world knows.

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