Saturday, November 28, 2009

theblogprof: Audio: Frank Beckmann Interviews Climate Depot's Marc Morano Regarding ClimateGate Scandal
Much of the beginning of the segment, before the interview I have covered in detail as you can find in links at the bottom of this post. Marc is correct that the leaker is a hero, and that the IPCC should have it Nobel Peace Prize pulled (which would include Al Gore by the way).
The best part of the interview, at least from my point of view, was at the end where Marc drew the analogy between the global warming alarmists, and pretty much every single episode of Scooby Doo, where at the end of the episodes, the bad ghost/ghoul/monster that was trying to scare everyone away from the truth is unmasked as a fraud for all to see, only to say "I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for those darned kids." Indeed, the whole house of cards now tumbling down was caused, in the end, by one person that leaked the data. [MP3]
At NYT's Dot Earth: Young Scientist 'Disheartened' by Climategate; Core Problems Ignored |
Given that those caught red-handed cooking the books and playing hide-and-seek with the data have yet to see any meaningful sanctions or discipline for what they have done, students would logically fear that if they fight for scientific values when they are compromised by political factors, they will be fighting alone and ostracized by their peers.
Obama & Copenhagen's COMEDY Convention ***... | Gather
The over $22 Million paid to East Anglia's CRUover the past ten years should be recovered. Al Gore, who knowingly promoted this fake global warming should be fined and stripped of his illegally obtained profits. The Nobel Peace Prize, and the monetary award which accompanied it, should be given back to the committee.

We, the taxpayers, who paid the tab, should be entitled to full reimbursement as well.
YouTube - ClimateGate on Fox News 11-28-09

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