Tuesday, December 15, 2009

"My Government Went to COP 15 and All I Got Was This Lousy Economy"
Copenhagen – Members of the 15th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change have convened in Copenhagen to negotiate for a climate treaty likely to devastate the economies of compliant nations.

To poke fun while warning of this folly, the National Center for Public Policy Research is handing out T-shirts that display a photo of a Great Depression soup line and read, "My government went to COP 15 and all I got was this lousy economy."
Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog: COP-15 Climate Conference Admittance Update
I had not realized this yesterday, but I learned today that the many thousands of NGO delegates forced to stand in line for eight hours yesterday in 32 degree F cold before being turned away at nightfall also had one other indignity to deal with: if they left the line to use one of the outdoor portable toilets, they lost their spot in line.
YouTube - Environmental Activism: Think Globally, Act Locally
Environmentalists at the COP-15 climate change meeting in Copenhagen on December 14, 2009 demonstrate their dedication to environmental protection by... littering.
The Daily Bayonet » The Copenhagen Round-Up
You knew this had to happen, Copenhagen is more in need of Round-Up than my weed-infested driveway.
America's Nightly Scoreboard 12/14/2009 - FOXBusiness.com
Doctor Theon, I want to go to you first, because there's another player in all this, and that's a man named Jim Henson. Jim Henson works for NASA. He comes out with a lot -- he get arrested at protest rallies that are protesting for stricter regulations about carbon emissions, et cetera.

You actually worked essentially as his boss. You were one of his supervisors and you had to approve funding for him and that sort of thing. Is he telling the truth and is Al Gore telling the truth about what's happening to our climate?

DR. JOHN THEON, FORMER NASA SCIENTIST: I don't believe they are. I think that the science is flawed. I think that Jim Hansen himself has become so enamored with his models be that he believes they can forecast the climate. And that's simply not true.

ASMAN: Do you think there is any rational justification for using these climate model forecasts to determine public policy?[...]

THEON: Absolutely not. Not one of the models forecast the current cooling that's going on since 1998. And that isn't the first time that they've missed.

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