Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Will Steger Foundation: Seeking a [swindle-filled] future for our youth
Our 18-person delegation in Copenhagen at the U.N. Climate Change Conference (COP15) is working on a range of issues: interpreting high level policy discussions on adaptation, finance, climate justice, and technology transfer; participating in creative actions with youth from across the globe; and sharing their experiences with media and their peers in Copenhagen and back home in the Midwest.
...Similarly, Rajenda Pachauri, Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report, told youth that their presence gives him hope and that young people have the power to spread the urgency of climate change, especially since their lives extend beyond a political term. He reminded youth to continue their political engagement at home.
Updated Forecast For Copenhagen: Heavy SnowFall, -12C/10.4F (God has a sense of humor)
Heavy snow and temperatures 22 degrees below normal are now forecasted for the Global Warming conference in Copenhagen.
Environmentalists should stop saying the world is ending. - By Anne Applebaum - Slate Magazine
The climate change movement gets nowhere by claiming it is.
Clueless Schwarzenegger again:  He suggest that the dying climate scam is "gaining strength" - CSMonitor.com
There is a great tectonic shift already under way that is gaining strength every day.
United Nations Kicks Non-Profits Out of COP-15 Climate Conference
Washington, DC - The United Nations announced today it is permanently banning thousands of accredited non-governmental organizations* from the COP-15 climate conference in Copenhagen.

The restriction was announced today outside the Copenhagen conference center after several thousand accredited NGO conference delegates, including three from the National Center for Public Policy Research, waited outside for eight hours or longer in 32-degree F temperatures for admission.
Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog: Video: United Nations Rep Tells NGOs They Are Out of COP-15 Climate Conference
American conservatives aren't the only ones booing the United Nations. Here's a group of (mostly) liberal environmentalists doing it.

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